Modern Chinese use two calendar systems. They use the Gregorian (Western / Yang) calendar to conduct official business and to manage everyday life. At the same time, they use the Chinese (Lunar / Yin) calendar to determine the numerous celebration dates; to find out the dates of agriculture; and to calculate human fortunes with techniques like Zi Wei Dou Shu, Bazi, Chinese Gender Chart and Tik Pan San Sou.
The Chinese calendar is based on the period of time that the moon needs to travel a full cycle (new, half, and full and back). Therefore, it is also called the lunar calendar. Like a Gregorian year, a normal Chinese year consists of twelve lunar months. However, as the moon only takes approximately 29 ½ days to complete a cycle, it makes the lunar year eleven days shorter than the Western calendar year. Every nineteen years, the western and Chinese calendars sync up with the aid of seven lunar leap months. In other words, there are 7 lunar leap years (13 lunar months each) in a nineteen-year cycle.
The use of the Chinese calendar dates back to 2600 B.C. when Emperor Huang Ti introduced the twelve periods of the zodiac to the Country. Later, Chinese astronomy further divides the lunar year into twenty-four segments (Table 1). Each segment is based on the longitude of the sun on the ecliptic or solar terms, and therefore, the Chinese calendar also belongs to one of the lunisolar calendars. That is why the Winter Commences is always on Dec 21st or Dec 22nd, as it is the shortest day of the year; and the Summer Commences is always on Jun 21st or Jun 22nd, as it is the longest day of the year. The lunar calendar functions as a weather calendar for farmers, who use it to guide their crop planning in China.
Table 1: Twenty-Four Segments of the Chinese Calendar
Chinese Name | English Translation | Date* | Remark |
立春 | Spring Commences | 5th Feb. | The begining of Spring |
雨水 | Spring Showers | 19th Feb. | Rainfall is more frequent |
驚蟄 | Insects Waken | 6th Mar. | Hibernating insects awaken |
春分 | Vernal Equinox | 21st Mar. | Equal length of day and night |
清明 | Bright & Clear | 5th Apr. | clear skies, fresh air, warm weather and lush plants |
穀雨 | Grain Rains | 20th Apr. | Increased rainfall, which is beneficial to crops |
立夏 | Summer Commences | 6th May | The beginning of Summer |
小滿 | Crop Forms | 21st May | Crops are plump |
芒種 | Crop in Ear | 6th Jun. | Beginning of the farming season |
夏至 | Summer Solstice | 21st Jun. | Summer extreme |
小暑 | Moderate Heat | 7th Jul. | Weather will be getting hotter and hotter |
大暑 | Great Heat | 23rd Jul. | Supposed to be the hottest day of the year |
立秋 | Autumn Commences | 8th Aug. | The beginning of Autumn |
處暑 | End of Heat | 23rd Aug. | Hot season is finished |
白露 | White Dew | 8th Sep. | Weather is getting colder and white dew can be seen |
秋分 | Autumn Equinox | 23rd Sep. | Equal length of day and night |
寒露 | Cold Dew | 8th Oct. | Dew will soon turn into frost |
霜降 | Frost | 23rd Oct. | Weather begins to frost |
立冬 | Winter Commences | 7th Nov. | The beginning of Winter |
小雪 | Light Snow | 22nd Nov. | Snow starts falling |
大雪 | Heavy Snow | 7th Dec. | Heavy snow every where |
冬至 | Winter Solstice | 22nd Dec. | Cold starts to become unbearable |
小寒 | Moderate Cold | 6th Jan. | Very cold weather |
大寒 | Severe Cold | 20th Jan. | Supposed to be the coldest day of the year |
* Date can vary within a ±1 day range |